Aerial Work platforms are platforms that are meant to move and adjust to the work environment it making working at different heights more attainable and secure.
Aerial lifts are Scissor Lifts/ Boom Lifts. They go above the normal ground level and they go to extensive heights. The Aerial Lift Platform course goes over the basics of these machines and how to use them. We also go over in this course the new ANSI A92.24-2018 theory requirements.
When the course is conducted at the Safety Management and Training Solutions Facility the course is Formal Training ONLY. When conducted at your facility if the equipment is provided the practical side of the class will be offered.
If you are in Utah (UT) and are looking for comprehensive Aerial Work Platform training, look to our reliable team. To learn more about us and our background, please visit our about us page. If you are looking for any other safety training courses, you can visit our courses page. We are also available at 855-203-6335 if you have any other questions about us or our many courses.